Grand Slam
GrandSlam volume 1.iso
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74 lines
0141TERX.ARJ [00] Update Terminate 1.4 to 1.41 (bugs fixed)
014TER_A.ARJ [00] Terminate 1.4 The final datacomms terminal 1 of 2
014TER_B.ARJ [00] Terminate 1.4 The final datacomms terminal 2 of 2
AMU121.ARJ [00] AMU (v1.21) AMU will perform most tasks which would usually require several programs
AUU110.ARJ [00] AUU (v1.10) - Auto User Upgrader for RA 2.00.
BBSLIJST.A09 [00] The biggest Dutch BBS list of july 1994
BIMOD124.ARJ [00] Bi-modem 1.24 bidirectionel protocol.
BIMPRO35.ARJ [00] Bimodem PRO version 3.5
BITBULL.ARJ [00] Allfiles of the Bitbull BBS
BWAVE212.ARJ [00] Blue Wave 2.12 offline mail reader
CON_VLD1.ARJ [00] STaRRiNG: (oNnΣcT¡Θ∩ VLD Mandelbrot's horn (zoomed) and moon composite.
CON_VLD2.ARJ [00] STaRRiNG: (oNnΣcT¡Θ∩ VLD 25 raytraced balls.
CYC_ALL.ARJ [00] Allfiles of Cyclone BBS
DORREG21.ARJ [00] ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
│REGDOR V2.12 Registration door WITH │
│OFFLINE USER-DATAbase for SysOp's │
│RA 2.xx and RA 1.xx │
│Leave message for SysOp - Colors - │
│ - Language's - Security levels - │
│ - Your Own Question's - Flag's │
│And many more !!!!! │
│Ask for Password │
│everything will be automatic upgraded │
│including FLAG's │
│Register NOW!!!!!! │
│Registration is totally FREE Fl 0.00│
│ (c) 1994 by Perry Kappetein │
DUTC_RAL.ARJ [00] Dutch RAL File for RemoteAccess v2.xx
EXP2FILE.ARJ [00] ▓FREE▓ To produce a structured FILES.BBS type files in the directories found in config.ra
FDHISO26.ARJ [00] FDHISO v2.6: With this Program you can display the FrontDoor History,
FIND221E.ARJ [00] FIND (v2.21) A small, fast and reliable file-finder - Support for RA 2.0x
FRAME12.ARJ [00] FRAME v1.2 Generate top user bulletins, top download file List, and file headers
HARD_ALL.ARJ [00] Allfiles (on Harddisk) of Hardball's BBS, 2 more cd-roms online!
HRAT302.ARJ [00] HANDYRATIO V3.02 - The RA2 Ratio reporter! A full door for RA 2.xx,enabling users to create a report on their ratios statistics
INIT-ALL.ARJ [00] Modem Init Strings - The Final Release
INITDR12.ARJ [00] Modem Init Strings "The BBS Door" v1.2 Needs only DORINFO1.DEF or DOOR.SYS
MOVIE.ARJ [00] Allfiles of MovieBoard BBS, Win MultiMedia BBS
PENT_5.ARJ [00] Allfiles of Pentium 5 BBS
Q_A4RA_6.ARJ [00] Q&A4RA Revision #6 Questions & Answers for RemoteAccess 2.x How to setup F
RA2FDL10.ARJ [00] RA2FDL v1.0: Converts your TAGLIST.RA form RA 2.02 to BBSTAGFL.nnn form Filedoor
RAUSR201.ARJ [00] RAUSERS (v2.01) ( The Other Editor ) RemoteAccess 2.0x complete Users Editor
RAI1201.ARJ [00] RAInfo is an information program for the Remote Access BBS system.
RAR1_51.EXE [00] RAR (v1.51) Multifunctional Intergrated Archive manager
RIPNRA2.ARJ [00] RIP'n'RA II [17-05-94] => RA SYSOPS <= => THIS IS A MUST <==
RA_202.ARJ [00] -= REMOTE ACCES VERSION 2.02 =-
│ Start your own bulletin board │
│ with this fresh update of RA │
│ The complete BBS package of │
│ Wantree Development. │
SBFILES.ARJ [00] Allfiles of the dutch Soundblaster BBS
TAGCHK11.ARJ [00] TagCheck (v1.10) TagCheck is an add-on for RemoteAccess v2.02.
THEWORLD.ARJ [00] Allfiles of The World BBS
TMAIL141.ARJ [00] TerMail 1.41k, msg editor/tosser/scanner for Terminate
UM100.ARJ [00] USERMAN 1.00 Professional User managtement for the experienced RemoteAcces
WIZARD11.ARJ [00] File Wizard Version 1.1 Areamanager for BBS-SysOp's * Supports SuperBBS, QuickBBS,RA
X00-202.ARJ [00] X00 Release 2.02 Rev. 8.0.
║ This is the latest release ║
║ of Ray Gwinn's X00 Fossil ║
║ Unit, it will support also ║
║ the latest standards from ║
║ Rockwell 28k8 (VFC) and is ║
║ hereby the most powerfull ║
║ fossil-driver in the world ║
║ yet.. ║